Savages and Beasts, a novel


      Upon entering Anton let his eyes travel around the space of the office which was as austere as Father Nicolas’ which he visited yesterday. Only this office had a bigger size crucifix mounted on the wall behind Father Jerome’s desk and the same sign Looking Unto Jesus was here too; Anton thought this must had been the Residential School logo; he also noticed that the big wheel of the facility, father Jerome, looked like a man of forty five and his appeal was nothing less than imposing as most other things in this school. He was sitting behind his desk and a few other persons  were also in the office. Gladys did the introductions. Father Jerome was the head master of the School, Sister Helen, geography teacher, Mary, administrative assistant, father Thomas the PE and gymnastics teacher, Father Peter, socials physics teacher, Father John, math teacher, Sister Naomi socials teacher and responsible for the dancing class, and Sister Anna, who was sitting in one of the chairs in front of Father Jerome’s desk; she was an older woman and a  music teacher responsible for the school choir too; they all greeted Anton and wished him well in his new job.

Savages and Beasts, a novel


They had almost done the round and Anton realized the place was a huge facility that could house up to 700 hundred kids although at this time there were about 450 as Dylan mentioned: about 200 boys and almost 250 girls from as young as three years old and as old as sixteen. Anton’s work would require him to clean all clothes and beddings of all these kids after the maids had collected them from each dorm; soon as they would get cleaned and placed in bins Anton would then return them to the proper places, situated at the sleeping quarters of the savages and of the teaching and administrative personnel. From there the four maids were responsible to allot them appropriately.

Dylan gave all the instructions he could remember up front confirming that everything else would be learned day after day in practice. With these final words they both went down to the main floor and separated at the front desk, Dylan to his room in the basement and Anton who stood in front of Sister Gladys’ desk.

It was still a beautiful sunny day outside the cold mausoleum as Anton observed the sun rays entering from the top of the door skylight flooding the hallway with optimism and benevolence. Sister Gladys finished the entry she was writing on a thick like a Journal book and upon closing it she said to Anton.