Twelve Narratives of the Gypsy


Audacious, erected witches

naked demagogues, dressed

like beggars, motionless eyes

like statues, eyes without

glances, which were seeking

hard to decipher oracles, had

gone to the secretive Fates;

cloths of the witches fluttered

imperially in the wind.

And they were stricken by wind

and burnt up by the sun’s

conflagration, dwellers

of the desert, ravaged

bodies shuttered by struggles

and struggles, souls untouched

by the lands they had passed

willingly and they were

messengers of a wild spring,

passing black swallows having

curses in their chirps and

contempt in their nests; and

they were all coppery-green

and eternally cursed, loners,

rootless, alien, all connivers

and foreign, embarrassment

of the light, unseen by

daylight while when seen

the day ran to cover its

sunlit face; and they were

gypsies and more gypsies

from afar passing the passes.

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